I'm a member a four year old race team called Loud-N-Proud racing.The team consists of three owners that build and race their own pro arena trucks/pro stadium trucks,also known as tuff trucks.I race a pro truck called kryptonite,which consists of a highly modified 4x4 truck.My truck is built and maintained in my own shop, including race proven engines, chassis, suspension and steering components. Unfortunitly there are still many things I need to purchase such as shocks,tires,fiberglass bodies and engine components. So come join our team and sponser the Kryptonite race truck.
Racing circit
My team races with the NMRO(North American Mud Racers Association)circit.We travel to Tennessee,Missouri,Indiana,Pennsylvania Vermont and other national events.These races have between 150,000 to 200,000 spectators and many of them are televised on ESPN 2.We also race locally in N.Y. and P.A.with OSCR (Off-road Short Corse Racing)that is managed by the pro drivers.We also race at other events when the opertunity arises.